This hybrid, known as Penstemon 'Midnight' (Penstemon x gloxinioides), features long, tubular flowers in a dark rich purple color that can be seen blooming during the summer months. Its slender green leaves and compact, bushy, and upright growth make for an attractive addition to a garden. Native to the United States, Penstemon 'Midnight' is a long-lasting bloomer and highly sought after by hummingbirds.
Semi-woody Perennial
Height x Width: 2-4' x 3'
USDA Zones 6-9
Full Sun to Partial shade (in hottest climates)
We ship based on the average last frost date for your shipping zip code and also when the plants are well rooted in their pots. Most plants are shipped in 2 3/8” square, by 3 ¾” deep “band pots”. Plant size varies by species and ship date but will be well rooted and ready to plant.